How to String a Walk-Behind Trimmer at Home?

There are two types of walk-behind mowers: the one that works with a blade and the version with the string lines. Both have their own plusses and minuses. String walk-behind trimmers are more durable in most cases. However, their string line may wear out in some time. That’s why you need to know how to string in the new trimmer or replace the old line. You can do it without any professional tools and skills. Here you will discover how to string a walk-behind trimmer at home.

How to String a Walk Behind Trimmer?
There are a few different ways to string a string trimmer, but the most common method is to use an automatic feeder. With this technique, you simply need to thread the line through the head of the trimmer and then engage the feeder. The trimmer will then do the rest of the work for you, automatically feeding out the new line as needed.

How to String a Walk-Behind Trimmer?


String walk-behind mowers are designed for easy application. They don’t require specific maintenance – you just need to take care of the string lines. Let’s see how to restring a weed trimmer.

1. Find suitable string lines

If you string the walk-behind trimmer line for the first time, the manufacturers usually provide it with the trimmer itself, so you don’t need to purchase it separately. But when restringing a weed eater, you’d better find the same product you have been using. Original manufacturer’s string lines are the most fitting option to keep your lawn healthy and smooth.

Also, consider that larger trimmers may need the toughest lines because they are more powerful. If the string line is not strong enough, it will wear out much quicker. The length of the items depends on a particular model. However, it is 23 inches in most cases.

walk behind red trimmer line

2. Turn off the engine

You should stop the engine for your safety before you replace the string line and wait at least five minutes for it to cool down. Besides, you should clean all the weed from the holder. Afterward, pull out the old string line; you can use the pliers for this. Be careful and don’t make sharp movements as you can damage a holder.

3. Cut the line

A good sharp knife is suitable for cutting the string line. Try to make all the parts equal. As I have noted before, the 23-inch length is a standard. However, some models may require longer or shorter string lines.

4. Check the tool for the damage

Before you put the new line into the trimmer, you should check whether it has any damage. The holder has several circular plates, which allow you to regulate the cutting height. Check whether they’re stable and all the parts are at their places. Then look if the holder is attached to the trimmer in the right way and doesn’t swing.

5. Install the cutting line pieces

Now, you can discover how to put the string in a weed wacker. The holder has three smaller holes, and each one leads to the central one. You need to put the string line into the tiniest hole and push it until it reaches the central hole. Then you need to make a loop. For this, you should push the line into the notches above the smaller line plate holes.

After that, check whether the line is connected tightly. You should repeat the process three times. Don’t be afraid to push the line strongly – it is solid enough.

6. Test the trimmer

You have done all the main work by now. And before you get back to work, I recommend that you test the two-wheeled weed eater. Find an area with little grass and turn on the engine. Let the lines spin for some time, and you will see if there are problems or not.

Restringing Weed Trimmer Easily

Changing the string line should not be complicated. If you see this process as difficult, it means there are some questions about how to string a trimmer that needs to be clarified.

How do you restring a trimmer mower?

In a short word, you take out the old lines and install the new ones. You may need the pliers and a knife. It takes less than an hour to restring the wheeled weed wacker, and you can do it by yourself quite effortlessly.

Are walk-behind string trimmers worth it?

Such trimmers are quieter and consume less energy. Also, they get damaged more rarely than other walk-behind mowers. However, they are not as powerful.

What happens to the string trimmer line?

It wears out in some time because of the frequent use. That’s why you should change it at least once in half a year.

Remember to Take Care of Your Trimmer

High-quality string lines can serve you a long time; however, they still need a regular replacement. A large advantage of the walk-behind string trimmers is that you can take care of them by yourself. Thanks to today’s guide, you will be able to do the walk-behind trimmer line replacement with a little effort.

Do you use a string trimmer? Is it effective? How often do you restring it? Please, leave your comments in the section below.

Ronnie Collins

Ronnie Collins

I’m Ronnie Collins. I’ve been passionate about gardening and woodworking all my life and even earned an MS degree in Botany from the University of Maryland. I’ve been working at a gardening company for a while, so I know the ropes about a whole lot of dedicated equipment such as the table saw, track saw, lawnmowers, chainsaws, garden hoses, and much more.

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